コドモドラゴン in-store events for Sodom

11月26日(水) タワーレコード新宿店
11月26日(水) BLUE BEAT VILLAGE VANGUARD 新宿ルミネエスト店
11月27日(木) 自主盤倶楽部
11月27日(木) ライカエジソン東京
11月29日(土) ミュージックショップ音楽処
12月07日(日) 仙台リトルハーツ
12月09日(火) R.I.P
12月12日(金) ZEAL LINK大阪
12月12日(金) ライカエジソン大阪
12月15日(月) ライカエジソン名古屋
12月15日(月) fiveStars
12月17日(水) マジカルスクエア
12月20日(土) SKULLROSE
01月03日(土) ZEALLINK 高田馬場
01月03日(土) ZEAL LINK渋谷
01月04日(日) little HEARTS.新宿
01月05日(月) タワーレコード渋谷店
01月07日(水) 新星堂ララスクエア宇都宮店
01月06日(火) BrandX
01月09日(金) タワーレコード小田原店


コドモドラゴン 4th Oneman Tour 「Victim of SODOM.」& “コドモ會”

2014/11/30(日) 札幌KRAPS HALL
2014/12/02(火) 青森Quarter
2014/12/04(木) 盛岡CLUB CHANGE WAVE
2014/12/06(土) 仙台MACANA
2014/12/13(土) OSAKA MUSE
2014/12/14(日) 名古屋Electric Lady Land
2014/12/18(木) Hiroshima CAVE-BE
2014/12/21(日) 福岡DRUM Be-1
2014/12/23(火) 高松DIME
2014/12/24(水) 岡山IMAGE
2014/12/27(土) HEAVEN'S ROCK さいたま新都心 VJ-3
2014/12/28(日) F.A.D YOKOHAMA
2015/01/18(日) TSUTAYA O-EAST

Fan Club Page HERE  but just if you are living in Japan.
If you are out of the country it is not possible to join it.

TOKO and his BIG problems for run (uncensored)

I'm sorry but I found the whole video hilarious. And TOKO was the best thing ever.

Tokio Hotel UNCENSORED Gifs of Girl Got a Gun

コドモドラゴン official Website and new profiles

コドモドラゴン new maxi single "SODOM" Ordering information.

For overseas' fans:

Type A: Limited edition with DVD (This edition includes a bonus DVD with a music video for the title song and its making-of. Comes with an application card (A) (valid only in Japan). *The DVD disc is encoded for region 2 (Japan, Europe, and Middle East), and no subtitles are included.) order HERE

Type B: Limited edition with DVD (This edition includes a bonus DVD with a music video for the title song (shot in multi-angle version). Comes with an application card (B) (valid only in Japan). *The DVD disc is encoded for region 2 (Japan, Europe, and Middle East), and no subtitles are included.) order HERE

Type C: Regular edition (This edition includes a bonus track and instrumental tracks for all the included songs. Contains a total of six tracks. Comes with an application card (C) (valid only in Japan).) order HERE

Type D: Regular edition (This edition includes a bonus track and instrumental tracks for all the included songs. Contains a total of six tracks. Comes with an application card (D) (valid only in Japan).) order HERE

Extra when you order in CDJapan:

CDJapan exclusive photo (Size: 8.9cmx 12.7cm) randomly selected from 5 kinds featuring a member each

The tracks (at least one) from C and D use to be different.

コドモドラゴン Official Fan club

Today Codomo Dragon held its tour final at Akasaka BLITZ and announced that its 7th single "SODOM" will drop later this year. The exact release date is set for November 26th but more details aren't revealed yet. We will keep you updated on it!

Furthermore, Codomo Dragon opened its official fan club after being active for about four years. It's named "Codomo kai" (コドモ會) which means "children's party" and it opened today, September 23rd.


コドモドラゴン Nov. 26 7th maxi single Sodomo and look.

コドモドラゴン Akasaka tracklist

9/23 コドモドラゴン赤坂BLITZセトリ
Can't stop MAD teens.

コドモドラゴン Last reminder for their last show in Akasaka Blitz online in Nicolive.

Because tomorrow I'll just wake up and sit in front of the PC and don't move until they get off the stage so, last reminder!

I think instead of write how good they are, I'll just post some videos (official) that I think they will play tomorrow (I love to guess things).

Right Evil. I don't think I've to make any comment, right? Right.

Nepenthes (when I searched them for first time, I watched Right Evil and after this one..first thought?: did they change the vocalist????, no comments xD)

The 50 seconds that the preview lasts caught me.

VIper the last maxi single.

The link to watch the live HERE

Japan: starts at 18:00pm
Europe (Madrid time): 11am
USA (NYC time): 5am but one day before, so Sept. 22nd

And Codomo Dragon members:

Hayato (vocal & composer): Ameba
Chamu (leader & drummer): Ameba
Kana (guitarrist): Ameba
Yume (guitarrist): Ameba
meN-meN (bassist): Ameba

Well, that's all!

頑張ってください!for Codomo and if you are going to watch the live, Enjoy it!

コドモドラゴン Ep. 11 I knew I had skipped one slap! Hayato being nice at 7am.

コドモドラゴン Ep. 11: best moment ever.

Alright, how Yume woke up is very funny (poor kid)...
Chamu wasn't there what it was a big meeeh
Hayato...as nice as he is always...I didn't expect less from him



He was searching Chamu into the toilet!! and Kana laughing wasn't a big help.
Just...best moment ever.

コドモドラゴン Let's tear the ass hair out, Ep. 11