For being honest...I've back my photoshop long time ago but I was posting things on Codomo's blog (

Get back the muse and have again inspiration was question of time and also, to have real time to me.

Now finally I've it and of course, I'm back with Codomo's animations (who doubted it? I didn't) why? because they deserve it and HAYATO deserves it xD Hayato of my heart...he is still amazing, he is amazing he will die (in a long time) being fucking amazing (and old).

Rotten Mind.. I didn't like the song until I saw THIS supreme concert the last sunday: 

I need

La verdad es que me encantaría volver a crear... pero el ordenador está caput! y ahora mismo no es lo más prioritario, aunque el mono empieza a ser importante.

Gracias Twitter!

Pues nada...aquí soltando un poco de mierda :D
Hoy no sé por qué me ha dado por usar los gifs que tiene Twitter (para qué si tengo los mios propios, pero bueno...)
Cual ha sido mi sorpresa al buscar "Hayato" y ver dos animaciones mias de VIper...Digo mias porque he seguido el rastro hasta Giphy y de ahí a mi photobucket.
He escrito un mail a Giphy a ver que me cuentan.
No me molesta que estén ahí para el uso y disfrute, que para eso están hechos.
Lo que me molesta es que el nombre de la autora esté recortado...eso si que me jode.
Al menos en los de Tom Kaulitz está el nombre (no en todos)

Another Keep Calm and Gomu Gomu no

Lately I'm having some moments of a big need of relax, relax because people keep being selfish and thinking just about themselves, but shoganai.

Now that I've the flag transparent, the next one is going to be Tony-Tony Chopper, because, who doesn't love Choppe?

Keep Calm and One Piece!!

Long time not see, long long time not see!!! 

I have one creative-attack's moment, actually I'm watching One Piece (wohoooo!! not more spoilers, please xD)
The creative moment  came after somebody was kinda stupid towards me, (thank you! baaaaka!) so I made one "Keep Calm" for Codomo and one for One Piece.

Both are very basic but felt good to make something, so I could have my mind off for awhile sadly, the thoughts are back but well..